16 thoughts on “[HYPE] No-Artpunk III is out!

  1. Not only did it arrive with ferocious might and great vengeance, it arrived on the 9th of July, a time traveller from a golden agre when, perhaps, Artpunk has already been vanquished!

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    1. Glad you liked it! Pregens were flavored by repurposing the adventure settings that didn’t make the cut. Players I know are amenable to board games like Arkham Horror so I orientated towards loosely connected one-shots even back in the day when there was time for 5+ hour sessions.


  2. Congrats and big thanks to everyone involved here. These are great projects and giving them away takes it over the top. Legendary!


  3. Dudes, the killjoys over at r/osr are whinging about someone not wanting to be part of their hand-holding drum circle. The ranks have closed. The censorious hive-mind’s hypocrisy is blissfully self-ignorant.

    What an etiolated pablum-licking bunch of philosophasters. They were ululating about Pluto’s (sic) cave the other day. Philistines. Would that the gates had held!

    Also, congrats Prince et al. Keep up the good work and the high standards.


    1. Give me some time to arrange matters. It is looking like an interregnum. I am getting married this fall, and with my other projects, hosting another NAP in the remaining 6 months will be difficult. It might be a gap year, I might convince someone else to bear the holy rod of NAP Interrex for one year.

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      1. The urge to volunteer is (both) incredibly strong and absolutely insane…

        Focus on your upcoming nuptials, man: you’ll be glad you did!

        ; )

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